Eating Disorders Association of Canada. eating disorders; clinicians; researchers; professionals; association; Canada; anorexia; bulimia; binge eating; ARFID; OSFED; troubles alimentaires; troubles de l’alimentation; cliniciens; chercheurs; recherche; professionnels; association; Canada; anorexie; boulimie; hyperphagie; Trouble de restriction ou evitement de l'ingestion d'aliments; Autre trouble de l'alimentation ou de l'ingestion d'aliments specifié

Research Opportunities

Do you want to share your experiences with exposure to feared food and reactions to new ideas on how these exposures could be done differently?

Jenessa Shaw, M. A., and her research team are seeking participants for a two-part online research study on: “Understanding Experiences of Exposures to Feared Food in Eating Disorder Treatment.”

In appreciation of your time, you will receive up to $35 via e-transfer!

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Age 18 years or older
  2. Live in Canada
  3. Fluent in English
  4. Have received a formal diagnosis of an eating disorder
  5. Have completed an exposure to a feared food*, without a therapist present, as part of eating disorder treatment/counselling within the past 3 months in Canada
  6. Able to have a video call via Microsoft Teams

Study Procedure
– Part 1: 45 minute online study for $10
– Part 2: 90 minute online interview for $25

Complete the pre-screen survey to learn more and see if you are eligible:

Only individuals who meet eligibility criteria will be invited to participate in this study.

Questions? Email [email protected]. All inquiries will be confidential.

This study has received ethics clearance through a UWaterloo Research Ethics Board (#45533).

*An exposure to feared food is when you intentionally eat a food that you normally fear and avoid without doing anything to compensate for eating it like exercise, self-induced vomiting, or restricting eating before or after. For example, if you normally avoid eating pizza and fear eating it will make you suddenly gain a lot of weight, you and your therapist may have agreed that you would eat pizza between therapy sessions without doing anything to compensate for eating it.

Downlad PDF here.